UW Center for Leadership in Athletics

Coaching Education

We provide practical, hands-on training and education that gives coaches the tools to be more effective. Using our Ambitious Coaching™ framework as a foundation, our programs focus on how coaches can positively impact athletes at all levels, blending holistic, social-emotional development with sport performance. This includes both in-person coach training programs and online course offerings for coach education.


In-Person Coach Training Programs

Choose between our ACCEL Sports Certificate, designed to give sport coaches the tools to help athletes perform their best with a focus on holistic well-being and growth, OR our Ambitious Coaching Core Courses, each approximately 2 hours in length. We also offer customized training packages and deliver specialized topics for sport organizations and schools. Our training programs are appropriate for coaches of all levels, across all sports.


Online Course Offerings

We have partnered with NFHS Learn to launch a coach training course, Developing Youth through Sport, for a national audience. In this course, coaches will learn how to help the students on their team build skills through sport, foster physical and emotional safety, create an environment for learning, and model positive behavior. Additionally, we offer another course online at My24/7Ed via MyWIAA, free for Washington state school-based coaches. This course focuses on adolescent development, teaching coaches how to address the physical, cognitive, and social-emotional needs of teen athletes.