UW Center for Leadership in Athletics

April 8, 2024

National Coaching Course Announcement

The University of Washington Center for Leadership in Athletics has partnered with NFHS Learn to launch a coach training course, Developing Youth through Sport, for a national audience.

In this course, coaches will learn about how they can help the students on their team build their skills through sport, foster physical and emotional safety, create an environment for learning, and model positive behavior for their team.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Coaches will be able to articulate why sport is a powerful space for youth development and skill building.
  2. Coaches will be able to describe what physical and emotional safety look like in a sports context and how they are connected.
  3. Coaches will be able to describe what it means to create a mastery climate and name strategies that support mastery, autonomy, and fun.
  4. Coaches will better understand the importance of modeling positive behavior and how it is connected to positive experiences for their athletes.

Take the Course