UW Center for Leadership in Athletics

King County Play Equity Coalition

King County Play Equity Coalition Logo


Using the State of Play: Seattle-King County* findings and recommendations as a springboard, the coalition aims to increase rates of King County youth meeting the CDC’s physical activity guidelines, so all youth have access to the social, emotional, academic, and physical benefits of movement through sports, play, and outdoor recreation.

The coalition will engage in policy advocacy, programs, research, information-sharing, and collaborations designed to increase play equity, remove obstacles to play participation, and improve the safety, quality, and developmental appropriateness of sport and play opportunities.



*The State of Play: Seattle-King County is a comprehensive, descriptive landscape analysis of regional trends, patterns, barriers, and opportunities related to youth participation in sport, physical activity, and outdoor recreation. Guided by a national framework created by the Aspen Institute, State of Play: Seattle-King County informs regional leaders, programs, and policies with the goal of improving equitable access to safe, fun physical activity that bolsters individual and community health and advancement.

State of Play: Seattle-King County was funded by the University of Washington, King County Parks, the YMCA of Greater Seattle, Seattle Children’s Hospital, the Seattle Mariners, Kaiser Permanente, the Bezos Family Foundation, and evo, with in-kind contributions from Amazon