UW Center for Leadership in Athletics

August 9, 2024

The Under-Representation of Women Athletes in Sports Science Research

Dr. Julie McCleery, Director of Research-Practice Partnerships at the Center for Leadership in Athletics, has made a significant contribution to the field with her recent article published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. As the Olympics this year achieve historic gender parity, Dr. McCleery’s research underscores a crucial gap: the under-representation of women athletes in sports science research. Her study highlights the systemic lack of investment in research focused on female athletes, revealing how this deficiency impacts their health, well-being, and performance. By amplifying the voices of US women athletes, Dr. McCleery’s work identifies key research topics that could better support their needs and advance their performance. The findings provide a vital platform for future research, funding, and practical applications aimed at addressing the unique challenges faced by women in sports.